Melbourne Airport
Rail Link

Melbourne Airport Rail is a once-in-a-generation transformation of Victoria’s transport network connecting Melbourne Airport to Victoria’s regional and metropolitan train network for the first time.

The project aims to connect people from across Australia and the world to Victoria, revealing local businesses to new markets for trade and tourism.

Melbourne Airport Rail will travel through the Metro Tunnel into the heart of the CBD before continuing onto the Sunshine to Dandenong Line and will:

  • Provide passengers with a 10-minute turn-up-and-go service from Melbourne Airport and an around 30-minute continuous journey into the CBD.
  • Facilitate connections to regional Victoria and the airport with trains stopping at Sunshine to connect to the key regional centres of Geelong, Ballarat and Bendigo, while Gippsland passengers need only change trains once between Pakenham and Caulfield to access airport services.
  • Be accessible to thirty (30) stations in the network and provide direct access to services alone the along the Sunshine to Dandenong Line, without needing to change trains. Passengers on all other metropolitan lines are only one interchange away from the airport.
  • Provide tourists visiting the state the ability to be able to get from the airport to regions in a hassle-free way – meaning more visitors and jobs for regional Victoria.
  • Provide direct airport transit to Melbourne’s key business, tourism, health, and education precincts such as Parkville, St Kilda Road and the CBD.

Scope is split across several packages and includes multidisciplinary infrastructure engineering items such as civil, structural, building, railway, track, signalling, train control, overhead electrification, CSR, platform, station upgrades, rolling stock upgrades, etc.

Our Role in the Project

Our role in this significant program of works includes being the main lead for V/Line, as our key T&S member leads the entire development portfolio as V/Line Program Director. He also represents V/Line under the Projects Agreement with RPV, and liaises with key stakeholders in RPV, DOT, MTM, LXRP.

This means he also supports key governance committees such as Project Steering Committee, Network Development Reference Group, etc. He is also responsible from a V/Line perspective for managing the development investment logic and sequencing, strategic need, capacity constraints, operational modelling analysis and interface management with other concurrent projects and initiatives.

Work also included development of Operational Requirements / client Requirement Documents (CRD) Concept design development / review, communicating standards baselines to stakeholders, risk assessments, risk analysis (both construction and operations / maintenance), and proactively managing key stakeholders in consultation sessions (both V/Line internal and external agencies).

Our T&S member was the TOC lead for V/Line in the Procurement phase, including developing / reviewing Request For Proposal (RFP) documentation, Project Scope and Technical Requirements (PS&TR), commercial negotiations with RPV and development of Project Alliance Agreement (PAA), estimating of V/Line scope split deliverables which includes both CAPEX and OPEX and whole-of-life estimating, program and schedule review, construction staging analysis and value engineering with aim to minimise disruptions and driver training, development of risk allowance, as well as V/Line lead in interactive phase with tendering parties.

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